Hey Ladies! You have almost reached the end of your pregnancy journey, but you dread one thing, and that is labour or pregnancy pains. Pregnancy Pains hit differently for different people, but it is really painful in one word. The reason that causes pain is that the muscles in your uterus are tightening to position you, baby, for the delivery. Obviously, there are medicines for it, but we are going to discuss some other options too on how you can effectively manage your pregnancy pain. So, keep reading.


Find a comfortable place:

Choose a place where you can be yourself and relax comfortably while giving birth. It should be quite spacious, and there should be some essential furniture that would be required to comfort yourselves like a soft bed, a rocking chair, a stool which is low in height. It is important that you keep these beside yourself as it helps you to soothe you during those contractions.

Related Article: 10 tips for women who are planning for pregnancy

Choosing your birth team:

Your pain is also reduced to a large extent by the company you are in, So, do choose your birth team carefully. Generally, your birth team consists of doctors, nurses, midwives, and your partner. So, it is important, and you select some people who can calm you down and understand you.

Speak about your fears:

Sometimes, it does happen that due to the fear of labour pain, you start panicking and get anxious, which increases your pain. So, please talk about your fears, express them to your near and dear ones. It can be your friend, partner, or your doctor. When you talk about your concerns, your near and dear ones can come up with some solution. This also helps you to calm down.

Rhythmic breathing:

Breathing techniques are a life savior for pregnancy contractions. Breathe in and breathe out completely in a slow rhythm. When you release your breath, release your tension and try to moan. Also, try to take some quick breaths. Try to keep this rhythm, even if you lose, the rhythm, your partner, can help you keep track of it by hand movements or eye contact.

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Imagination actually works wonders. So, when you are feeling contractions, try to imagine something which makes you joyful. Maybe the moments of your marriage or the first time you achieved something big. You can also try to listen to some soothing songs so as to make yourself comfortable and picture a beautiful place.

Warm Shower:

Bathing in lukewarm water really helps. You can do so by sitting on a stall and using a hand shower on your abdomen and back, which will help to reduce the pain and even can help to quicken the process for labor.

Walk Around:

Try to move around as much as possible. You can walk OR SQUAT. Even kneeling, lunging, or rocking on an exercise ball helps to reduce your pregnancy pain.

Warm or Cool Compress:

In your labor kit, you should definitely carry a warm or cool compress. You can place this on your shoulders, lower abdomen, or back. You can use a piece of cloth and fill it with something lukewarm water, and put it on your abdomen. This works like a miracle and helps you to calm down.

Also Read: How To Talk To Your Partner About Fertility Issues

Gentle Massage:

Touch has a sense of warmth and is quite calming. It can be a person holding your hand, stroking your hair, patting your shoulders.  You can ask your partner or midwife to massage you on your back lightly with any oil or cream.


Most people are not aware of this tip, but acupressure really works. You can do this by pinching your hand between your thumb and index finger. But it’s better you avoid it just before labor, as it fastens the process of contractions.

Apart from these above-mentioned ways, you can also use certain medicines like


It eases the pain but doesn’t numb it. But take it only under your doctor’s guidance as it has certain side-effects for you and your baby.

Local anesthesia:

It can relieve pain, especially in your vaginal areas, and is mostly used during deliveries.


Sometimes, your doctor might prescribe you a tranquilizer, since some of you become quite anxious during pregnancy. But you should discuss the details as they can have quite an effect on you and your baby.


Labor pain is indeed that causes us quite discomfort. But well, don’t worry, you can use the tips we mentioned above, which really work well. Think of it, that this is a matter of some hours, after this, the pain will be completely gone, and you will hear the first cry of your child. So, the pain is really worth it.


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