Can I Give Ice Cream to my Child During Winter?

 Ice Cream to my Child During Winter

It isn’t a secret that ice cream is probably the best-tasting junk food that is out there. You might want to know when is it actually safe to introduce your child to this mouth-watering delicacy and whether you should prevent them from consuming any during the winters. You do not have to look very far for the answers to these questions because we are here to do the job for you.

When Can I Give Ice-Cream to my baby?

  • Since the digestive system of a baby is very underdeveloped, it is best to wait until your child is about a year old before introducing them to ice creams.
  • Ice creams are generally made out of cow’s milk and fall in the category of dairy products (if not vegan). Your child may turn out to be lactose intolerant.
  • Sometimes your baby may not be lactose intolerant but still could end up with an upset tummy because it had been introduced to this product way early on in life.

Is it Okay to Give Ice Cream to Children during Winters?

  • If your child is already infected with the influenza virus, then it is best to not let him/her consume any more ice cream.
  • Ice creams have too much sugar content in them which makes the influenza virus active.
  • Cough or cold does not happen due to ice creams but these situations can deteriorate owing to its uncontrolled consumption.


It is a universally loved dessert because of the delicious flavors that it hones and the boost of dopamine that it secretes in our body. But one must not forget that a child’s digestive system is not similar to that of an adult’s and should take decisions accordingly.


Note: The information contained in these topics is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, it is provided for educational purposes only. You assume full responsibility for how you choose to use this information. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Talk with your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Nothing contained in these topics is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment.


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