How Long Does Morning Sickness Last?

 How Long Does Morning Sickness Last?

Pregnancy is a blessing but morning sickness is a bummer that just tags along during the initial few months of the journey. Nausea and vomiting consist of morning sickness. They are part of a majority of pregnancies. Although they are called morning sickness, they can happen at any time after or before meals.

What is morning sickness?

  • They get triggered by certain strong tastes and smells of foods and other things.
  • They are not an immediate threat to the fetus, but they make pregnant women tired and exhausted.
  • There are ways to control the morning sickness to prevent the vomiting or nauseous feeling from getting any worse.

How long does morning sickness last in pregnancy?

  • In pregnancy, morning sickness starts before the end of the first trimester.
  • Most pregnant women experience morning sickness till 14 weeks of their pregnancy.
  • But, some pregnant women experience morning sickness till the end of their pregnancy.

How long does morning sickness last every day?

  • Some pregnant women get nauseated for short times each day and thus vomit once or twice.
  • Some pregnant women start the day with morning sickness and are unable to consume any food in the morning.
  • But rarely, some women have morning sickness which lasts for hours every day forcing them to vomit quite frequently.

When can morning sickness be a problem in pregnancy?

  • Morning sickness is normal in pregnancy.
  • But it becomes a problem only when the food and liquid are not consumed in the same amount as the number of times vomiting takes place.
  • Losing weight due to morning sickness effect’s the growth of the fetus.


The trick here is to consume food and liquid every time a smell or taste forces you to vomit to prevent weight loss. You could consult your doctor in case it gets any worse.


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