Is Mayonnaise safe to eat during pregnancy?

Mayonnaise Safe To Eat

Pregnancy calls for a complete change in the lifestyle of women. Some foods need to be eaten more to get the additional vitamins or minerals and some foods need to be eliminated completely from the meal chart to avoid any complications in your pregnancy. There are limitations of consuming raw foods such as eggs, which makes pregnant women ask the next question. Is mayonnaise safe? It is made with raw eggs, so will it harm the baby? Let’s find out.

Is mayonnaise safe to consume?

  • Even though mayonnaises are made with raw eggs, they are safe to consume as they are made with pasteurized eggs.
  • At least most of the popular brands across the US use pasteurized eggs to manufacture mayonnaise.
  • It is a compulsory requirement as stated by the United States Department of Agriculture.
  • Raw eggs are to be avoided during pregnancy because they contain bacteria.
  • This problem is solved the moment the eggs are pasteurized.
  • The heating of the eggs makes sure that the bacteria are killed.

Which mayonnaises are to be avoided?

  • The Mayonnaise made at home with farm eggs or with unpasteurized eggs is to be avoided.
  • The farm eggs get infiltrated with bacteria if the chicken laying the eggs has the same bacteria even before the outer shell gets formed.
  • Avoid organic mayonnaises because they are again made with raw eggs that are not pasteurized.
  • Pregnant women should go through the labels available in the mayonnaise bottle to eliminate the doubt.


Mayonnaises are consumable till the time they are made with pasteurized eggs. Mayonnaises made by Organic and local brands are to be avoided during pregnancy as they are likely to be made with eggs that are not pasteurized. It is always advisable to ask or check for the labels to clear any confusion.


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