What Causes Back Pain In Pregnancy?


Back Pain In Pregnancy

Back pain can worsen as you near your delivery date but you can about one thing, i.e. your baby is growing. The majority of pregnant women experience back pain from the mid of the second trimester and continue at times even after they have delivered their baby. The majority of pregnant women experience back pain in the area where the pelvis is meeting the spine, around the sacroiliac joint. There are many reasons why pregnant women experience back pain. Let’s find the most common causes.

Change in posture

  • Pregnancies tend to shift the center of gravity.
  • This results in pregnant women shifting their posture catering to the new center of gravity unknowingly.
  • This could cause strain which could result in back pain.

Weight gain

  • A healthy pregnant woman gains around 25 to 35 pounds of weight on average.
  • The spine grows accustomed to that weight and supports it. This causes lower back pain.
  • The increased weight of the uterus due to the presence of the baby creates pressure in the blood vessels and nerves. This causes pain in the pelvis and back.

Change in Hormones

  • Relaxin is a hormone released during pregnancies that help to relax the pelvis’s muscles and joint ligaments to prepare the body for delivery.
  • Relaxin also relaxes the spine which induces instability and pain in the back of the women.

Muscle change

  • Along with the expansion of the uterus, the parallel pair of muscles running from the rib cage to the pubic bone separate along the center seam.
  • This separation of muscles increases the already existing back pain.


  • Stress increases back tension which may cause back pain during the tough periods of pregnancy.


Back pains are normal during pregnancy. It can be managed with an analgesic such as paracetamol. You can consult your doctor if the pain worsens.


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