What Vitamins And Minerals Are Important To Consume During Pregnancy?


Vitamins And Minerals During Pregnancy

The most crucial fact about pregnancies is that the babies receive nutrition necessary for their development and growth only through the food and supplements consumed and approved for use by the pregnant mothers.  Eating a healthy well-balanced diet is the key to have a healthy pregnancy along with a healthy baby. This guide will walk you through all the necessary prenatal vitamins and minerals along with their benefits.

Folic acid

  • Folic acid helps to effectively reduce the chances of the baby having any birth defects.
  • It also prevents your unborn baby from having any neural tube defects.


  • Calcium helps in the growth of the bones, teeth, and even muscles of the baby.
  • It allows the proper development and functioning of the neural system and the heart.

Iodine and Iron

  • Iodine maintains the brain and nervous system.
  • Iron helps to produce the extra blood along with moving the blood from the lungs to the rest of the body including your baby.

Vitamin D

  • Vitamin D reduces the chances of pre-eclampsia, low birth weight, and preterm birth.
  • It also enhances the overall availability of Vitamin D in the mother’s body.

Vitamin C

  • Vitamin C effectively participates in wound healing and tissue development.
  • It strengthens your baby’s bones and teeth, boosts the production of collagen and immunity.
  • It also increases the ability to absorb iron

Vitamin B12 and Vitamin E

  • Vitamin B12 helps in the proper growth of red blood cells, brain and nerve system.
  • Vitamin E maintains the healthy functioning of the body and immune system.


  • Niacin effectively treats nausea and improves digestion in pregnant women.


  • Zinc contributes to the formation of your baby’s DNA and cells.


Prenatal Vitamins and minerals are effective and crucial for both the mother and the baby.

Related Tags:

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