
What Vitamins And Minerals Are Important To Consume During Pregnancy?

  The most crucial fact about pregnancies is that the babies receive nutrition necessary for their development and growth only through the food and supplements consumed and approved for use by the pregnant mothers.  Eating a healthy well-balanced diet is the key to have a healthy pregnancy along with a healthy baby. This guide will walk you through all the necessary prenatal vitamins and minerals along with their benefits. Folic acid Folic acid helps to effectively reduce the chances of the baby having any birth defects. It also prevents your unborn baby from having any neural tube defects. Calcium Calcium helps in the growth of the bones, teeth, and even muscles of the baby. It allows the proper development and functioning of the neural system and the heart. Iodine and Iron Iodine maintains the brain and nervous system. Iron helps to produce the extra blood along with moving the blood from the lungs to the rest of the body including your baby. Vitamin D Vitamin D reduces the chances o

What Causes Back Pain In Pregnancy?

  Back pain can worsen as you near your delivery date but you can about one thing, i.e. your baby is growing. The majority of pregnant women experience back pain from the mid of the second trimester and continue at times even after they have delivered their baby. The majority of pregnant women experience back pain in the area where the pelvis is meeting the spine, around the sacroiliac joint. There are many reasons why pregnant women experience back pain. Let’s find the most common causes. Change in posture Pregnancies tend to shift the center of gravity. This results in pregnant women shifting their posture catering to the new center of gravity unknowingly. This could cause strain which could result in back pain. Weight gain A healthy pregnant woman gains around 25 to 35 pounds of weight on average. The spine grows accustomed to that weight and supports it. This causes lower back pain. The increased weight of the uterus due to the presence of the baby creates pressure in the blood ves

How Long Does Morning Sickness Last?

  Pregnancy is a blessing but morning sickness is a bummer that just tags along during the initial few months of the journey. Nausea and vomiting consist of morning sickness. They are part of a majority of pregnancies. Although they are called morning sickness, they can happen at any time after or before meals. What is morning sickness? They get triggered by certain strong tastes and smells of foods and other things. They are not an immediate threat to the fetus, but they make pregnant women tired and exhausted. There are ways to control the morning sickness to prevent the vomiting or nauseous feeling from getting any worse. How long does morning sickness last in pregnancy? In pregnancy, morning sickness starts before the end of the first trimester. Most pregnant women experience morning sickness till 14 weeks of their pregnancy. But, some pregnant women experience morning sickness till the end of their pregnancy. How long does morning sickness last every day? Some pregnant women get n

Can I Give Baking Soda to my Toddler?

  As a mother of a toddler, you might wish to feed them with fluffy and soft baked products such as cupcakes or pastries. These delicious food items can be used as snacks or even desserts after a complete meal. This might have you thinking that is it okay to give your toddler a taste of these products but you might be skeptical about whether it will cause them any harm due to the presence of baking soda in it. We’re here to help you answer this very prominent question, “is it okay to give baking soda to babies?” What is baking soda? This is an important ingredient used during baking cakes. Baking soda is quite similar to baking powder but it lacks the acid element in it. Both baking powder and baking soda are used to make the cake dough rise and become fluffy. Baking soda is a stronger leavening agent than baking powder. It contains very high amounts of sodium because it is completely made out of sodium bicarbonate. Can you give your toddler baking soda? If your baby is under one year

Can I Give Ice Cream to my Child During Winter?

  It isn’t a secret that ice cream is probably the best-tasting junk food that is out there. You might want to know when is it actually safe to introduce your child to this mouth-watering delicacy and whether you should prevent them from consuming any during the winters. You do not have to look very far for the answers to these questions because we are here to do the job for you. When Can I Give Ice-Cream to my baby? Since the digestive system of a baby is very underdeveloped, it is best to wait until your child is about a year old before introducing them to ice creams. Ice creams are generally made out of cow’s milk and fall in the category of dairy products (if not vegan). Your child may turn out to be lactose intolerant. Sometimes your baby may not be lactose intolerant but still could end up with an upset tummy because it had been introduced to this product way early on in life. Is it Okay to Give Ice Cream to Children during Winters? If your child is already infected with the infl

Can I Give My Child Vitamin C?

  Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that is needed for the well-functioning of your body’s metabolism. This applies to your children as well. If you have doubts in your mind about whether you can give your child Vitamin C supplements and what is the recommended quantity, then do not think so hard. We’re here to answer your questions. In what quantity can I give Vitamin C to my Child? For infants, the requirement for Vitamin C is lesser than in a full-grown adult but it is recommended that you ensure your child receives a stipulated quantity of it every day. For babies of less than 6 months of age, 40 mg of Vitamin C are recommended but you don’t have to give since breast milk has plenty of it. and for babies aged 6-12 months of age, 50 mg is enough. You do not require this if you are feeding them infant formulas. For children aged between 1-13 years, Vitamin C should be administered daily in quantities not exceeding 45 mg ideally through food. Why is Vitamin C so important for your ch

Can I Give My Child A Different Last Name in India?

The last name can mean a lot of things when it is in India. It can denote the caste, the family, and the bloodline of the child. Would-be parents take a lot of time to decide on what to call their children. A lot of personal preferences and family interventions go into selecting a name for the newborn. But the same may not be possible for the last name of the child. To clear this issue for all expectant parents, we’re here with some essential answers. Can a child be given a different last name? One essential part about naming a child in India is the bestowing of the father’s last name to the child. This is the general norm of the land. But in many matriarchal states, the mother’s last name (surname) is used. If you are one of those individuals who aspire to bring up your child in a completely different mindset, then you might want to opt for a surname that isn’t common with either of the parents of the child. In India, you are allowed to do this without having to give it much thought.